
2023/02/24 11:56:30 heyan hexo

latex 常见表达式,包括希腊字母、数学公式、算法公式等。

希腊字母 Greek alphabet

序号 小写 LaTeX 读音 序号 大写 LaTeX 读音
1 $\alpha$ \alpha /ˈælfə/ 31 $\Gamma$ \Gamma /ˈɡæmə/
2 $\beta$ \beta /ˈbiːtə/, US: /ˈbeɪtə/ 32 $\Delta$ \Delta /ˈdɛltə/
3 $\gamma$ \gamma /ˈɡæmə/ 33 $\Theta$ \Theta /ˈθiːtə/
4 $\delta$ \delta /ˈdɛltə/ 34 $\Lambda$ \Lambda /ˈlæmdə/
5 $\epsilon$ \epsilon /ˈɛpsɪlɒn/ 35 $\Xi$ \Xi /zaɪ, ksaɪ/
6 $\varepsilon$ \varepsilon /ˈɛpsɪlɒn/ 36 $\Pi$ \Pi /paɪ/
7 $\zeta$ \zeta /ˈzeɪtə/ 37 $\Sigma$ \Sigma /ˈsɪɡmə/
8 $\eta$ \eta /ˈeɪtə/ 38 $\Upsilon$ \Upsilon /ˈʌpsɪlɒn/
9 $\theta$ \theta /ˈθiːtə/ 39 $\Phi$ \Phi /faɪ/
10 $\vartheta$ \vartheta /ˈθiːtə/ 40 $\Psi$ \Psi /psaɪ/
11 $\iota$ \iota /aɪˈoʊtə/ 41 $\Omega$ \Omega /oʊˈmeɪɡə/
12 $\kappa$ \kappa /ˈkæpə/
13 $\lambda$ \lambda /ˈlæmdə/
14 $\mu$ \mu /mjuː/
15 $\nu$ \nu /njuː/
16 $\xi$ \xi /zaɪ, ksaɪ/
17 $o$ o /ˈɒmɪkrɒn/
18 $\pi$ \pi /paɪ/
19 $\varpi$ \varpi /paɪ/
20 $\rho$ \rho /roʊ/
21 $\varrho$ \varrho /roʊ/
22 $\sigma$ \sigma /ˈsɪɡmə/
23 $\varsigma$ \varsigma /ˈsɪɡmə/
24 $\tau$ \tau /taʊ, tɔː/
25 $\upsilon$ \upsilon /ˈʌpsɪlɒn/
26 $\phi$ \phi /faɪ/
27 $\varphi$ \varphi /faɪ/
28 $\chi$ \chi /kaɪ/
29 $\psi$ \psi /psaɪ/
30 $\omega$ \omega /oʊˈmeɪɡə/

希伯来字母 Hebrew alphabet

序号 图标 LaTeX 英文
1 $\aleph$ \aleph aleph
2 $\beth$ \beth beth
3 $\gimel$ \gimel gimel
4 $\daleth$ \daleth daleth

二元运算符 Binary operations

序号 图标 LaTeX 序号 图标 LaTeX
1 $=$ = 49 $\gneq$ \gneq
2 $\ne$ \ne 50 $\geqq$ \geqq
3 $\neq$ \neq 51 $\ngeq$ \ngeq
4 $\equiv$ \equiv 52 $\ngeqq$ \ngeqq
5 $\not\equiv$ \not\equiv 53 $\gneqq$ \gneqq
6 $\doteq$ \doteq 54 $\gvertneqq$ \gvertneqq
7 $\doteqdot$ \doteqdot 55 $\lessgtr$ \lessgtr
8 $\overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=}$ \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} 56 $\lesseqgtr$ \lesseqgtr
9 $:=$ := 57 $\lesseqqgtr$ \lesseqqgtr
10 $\sim$ \sim 58 $\gtrless$ \gtrless
11 $\nsim$ \nsim 59 $\gtreqless$ \gtreqless
12 $\backsim$ \backsim 60 $\gtreqqless$ \gtreqqless
13 $\thicksim$ \thicksim 61 $\leqslant$ \leqslant
14 $\simeq$ \simeq 62 $\nleqslant$ \nleqslant
15 $\backsimeq$ \backsimeq 63 $\eqslantless$ \eqslantless
16 $\eqsim$ \eqsim 64 $\geqslant$ \geqslant
17 $\cong$ \cong 65 $\ngeqslant$ \ngeqslant
18 $\ncong$ \ncong 66 $\eqslantgtr$ \eqslantgtr
19 $\approx$ \approx 67 $\lesssim$ \lesssim
20 $\thickapprox$ \thickapprox 68 $\lnsim$ \lnsim
21 $\approxeq$ \approxeq 69 $\lessapprox$ \lessapprox
22 $\asymp$ \asymp 70 $\lnapprox$ \lnapprox
23 $\propto$ \propto 71 $\gtrsim$ \gtrsim
24 $\varpropto$ \varpropto 72 $\gnsim$ \gnsim
25 $<$ < 73 $\gtrapprox$ \gtrapprox
26 $\nless$ \nless 74 $\gnapprox$ \gnapprox
27 $\ll$ \ll 75 $\prec$ \prec
28 $\not\ll$ \not\ll 76 $\nprec$ \nprec
29 $\lll$ \lll 77 $\preceq$ \preceq
30 $\not\lll$ \not\lll 78 $\npreceq$ \npreceq
31 $\lessdot$ \lessdot 79 $\precneqq$ \precneqq
32 $>$ > 80 $\succ$ \succ
33 $\ngtr$ \ngtr 81 $\nsucc$ \nsucc
34 $\gg$ \gg 82 $\succeq$ \succeq
35 $\not\gg$ \not\gg 83 $\nsucceq$ \nsucceq
36 $\ggg$ \ggg 84 $\succneqq$ \succneqq
37 $\not\ggg$ \not\ggg 85 $\preccurlyeq$ \preccurlyeq
38 $\gtrdot$ \gtrdot 86 $\curlyeqprec$ \curlyeqprec
39 $\le$ \le 87 $\succcurlyeq$ \succcurlyeq
40 $\leq$ \leq 88 $\curlyeqsucc$ \curlyeqsucc
41 $\lneq$ \lneq 89 $\precsim$ \precsim
42 $\leqq$ \leqq 90 $\precnsim$ \precnsim
43 $\nleq$ \nleq 91 $\precapprox$ \precapprox
44 $\nleqq$ \nleqq 92 $\precnapprox$ \precnapprox
45 $\lneqq$ \lneqq 93 $\succsim$ \succsim
46 $\lvertneqq$ \lvertneqq 94 $\succnsim$ \succnsim
47 $\ge$ \ge 95 $\succapprox$ \succapprox
48 $\geq$ \geq 96 $\succnapprox$ \succnapprox

几何符号 Geometric symbols

序号 图标 LaTeX 序号 图标 LaTeX
1 $\parallel$ \parallel 14 $\lozenge$ \lozenge
2 $\nparallel$ \nparallel 15 $\blacklozenge$ \blacklozenge
3 $\shortparallel$ \shortparallel 16 $\bigstar$ \bigstar
4 $\nshortparallel$ \nshortparallel 17 $\bigcirc$ \bigcirc
5 $\perp$ \perp 18 $\triangle$ \triangle
6 $\angle$ \angle 19 $\bigtriangleup$ \bigtriangleup
7 $\sphericalangle$ \sphericalangle 20 $\bigtriangledown$ \bigtriangledown
8 $\measuredangle$ \measuredangle 21 $\vartriangle$ \vartriangle
9 $45^\circ$ 45^\circ 22 $\triangledown$ \triangledown
10 $\Box$ \Box 23 $\blacktriangle$ \blacktriangle
11 $\blacksquare$ \blacksquare 24 $\blacktriangledown$ \blacktriangledown
12 $\diamond$ \diamond 25 $\blacktriangleleft$ \blacktriangleleft
13 $\Diamond$ \Diamond \lozenge 26 $\blacktriangleright$ \blacktriangleright

逻辑符号 Logic symbols

序号 图标 LaTeX 序号 图标 LaTeX
1 $\forall$ \forall 20 $\neg$ \neg
2 $\exists$ \exists 21 $\not\operatorname{R}$ \not\operatorname{R}
3 $\nexists$ \nexists 22 $\bot$ \bot
4 $\therefore$ \therefore 23 $\top$ \top
5 $\because$ \because 24 $\vdash$ \vdash
6 $\And$ \And 25 $\dashv$ \dashv
7 $\lor$ \lor 26 $\vDash$ \vDash
8 $\vee$ \vee 27 $\Vdash$ \Vdash
9 $\curlyvee$ \curlyvee 28 $\models$ \models
10 $\bigvee$ \bigvee 29 $\Vvdash$ \Vvdash
11 $\land$ \land 30 $\nvdash$ \nvdash
12 $\wedge$ \wedge 31 $\nVdash$ \nVdash
13 $\curlywedge$ \curlywedge 32 $\nvDash$ \nvDash
14 $\bigwedge$ \bigwedge 33 $\nVDash$ \nVDash
15 $\bar{q}$ \bar{q} 34 $\ulcorner$ \ulcorner
16 $\bar{abc}$ \bar{abc} 35 $\urcorner$ \urcorner
17 $\overline{q}$ \overline{q} 36 $\llcorner$ \llcorner
18 $\overline{abc}$ \overline{abc} 37 $\lrcorner$ \lrcorner
19 $\lnot$ \lnot

集合 Sets

序号 图标 LaTeX 序号 图标 LaTeX
1 ${}$ {} 23 $\sqsubset$ \sqsubset
2 $\emptyset$ \emptyset 24 $\supset$ \supset
3 $\varnothing$ \varnothing 25 $\Supset$ \Supset
4 $\in$ \in 26 $\sqsupset$ \sqsupset
5 $\notin$ \notin 27 $\subseteq$ \subseteq
6 $\ni$ \ni 28 $\nsubseteq$ \nsubseteq
7 $\cap$ \cap 29 $\subsetneq$ \subsetneq
8 $\Cap$ \Cap 30 $\varsubsetneq$ \varsubsetneq
9 $\sqcap$ \sqcap 31 $\sqsubseteq$ \sqsubseteq
10 $\bigcap$ \bigcap 32 $\supseteq$ \supseteq
11 $\cup$ \cup 33 $\nsupseteq$ \nsupseteq
12 $\Cup$ \Cup 34 $\supsetneq$ \supsetneq
13 $\sqcup$ \sqcup 35 $\varsupsetneq$ \varsupsetneq
14 $\bigcup$ \bigcup 36 $\sqsupseteq$ \sqsupseteq
15 $\bigsqcup$ \bigsqcup 37 $\subseteqq$ \subseteqq
16 $\uplus$ \uplus 38 $\nsubseteqq$ \nsubseteqq
17 $\biguplus$ \biguplus 39 $\subsetneqq$ \subsetneqq
18 $\setminus$ \setminus 40 $\varsubsetneqq$ \varsubsetneqq
19 $\smallsetminus$ \smallsetminus 41 $\supseteqq$ \supseteqq
20 $\times$ \times 42 $\nsupseteqq$ \nsupseteqq
21 $\subset$ \subset 43 $\supsetneqq$ \supsetneqq
22 $\Subset$ \Subset 44 $\varsupsetneqq$ \varsupsetneqq

箭头 Arrows

序号 图标 LaTeX 序号 图标 LaTeX
1 $\Rrightarrow$ \Rrightarrow 36 $\longmapsto$ \longmapsto
2 $\Lleftarrow$ \Lleftarrow 37 $\rightharpoonup$ \rightharpoonup
3 $\Rightarrow$ \Rightarrow 38 $\rightharpoondown$ \rightharpoondown
4 $\nRightarrow$ \nRightarrow 39 $\leftharpoonup$ \leftharpoonup
5 $\Longrightarrow$ \Longrightarrow 40 $\leftharpoondown$ \leftharpoondown
6 $\implies$ \implies 41 $\upharpoonleft$ \upharpoonleft
7 $\Leftarrow$ \Leftarrow 42 $\upharpoonright$ \upharpoonright
8 $\nLeftarrow$ \nLeftarrow 43 $\downharpoonleft$ \downharpoonleft
9 $\Longleftarrow$ \Longleftarrow 44 $\downharpoonright$ \downharpoonright
10 $\Leftrightarrow$ \Leftrightarrow 45 $\rightleftharpoons$ \rightleftharpoons
11 $\nLeftrightarrow$ \nLeftrightarrow 46 $\leftrightharpoons$ \leftrightharpoons
12 $\Longleftrightarrow$ \Longleftrightarrow 47 $\curvearrowleft$ \curvearrowleft
13 $\iff$ \iff 48 $\circlearrowleft$ \circlearrowleft
14 $\Uparrow$ \Uparrow 49 $\Lsh$ \Lsh
15 $\Downarrow$ \Downarrow 50 $\upuparrows$ \upuparrows
16 $\Updownarrow$ \Updownarrow 51 $\rightrightarrows$ \rightrightarrows
17 $\rightarrow$ \rightarrow 52 $\rightleftarrows$ \rightleftarrows
18 $\to$ \to 53 $\rightarrowtail$ \rightarrowtail
19 $\nrightarrow$ \nrightarrow 54 $\looparrowright$ \looparrowright
20 $\longrightarrow$ \longrightarrow 55 $\curvearrowright$ \curvearrowright
21 $\leftarrow$ \leftarrow 56 $\circlearrowright$ \circlearrowright
22 $\gets$ \gets 57 $\Rsh$ \Rsh
23 $\nleftarrow$ \nleftarrow 58 $\downdownarrows$ \downdownarrows
24 $\longleftarrow$ \longleftarrow 59 $\leftleftarrows$ \leftleftarrows
25 $\leftrightarrow$ \leftrightarrow 60 $\leftrightarrows$ \leftrightarrows
26 $\nleftrightarrow$ \nleftrightarrow 61 $\leftarrowtail$ \leftarrowtail
27 $\longleftrightarrow$ \longleftrightarrow 62 $\looparrowleft$ \looparrowleft
28 $\uparrow$ \uparrow 63 $\hookrightarrow$ \hookrightarrow
29 $\downarrow$ \downarrow 64 $\hookleftarrow$ \hookleftarrow
30 $\updownarrow$ \updownarrow 65 $\multimap$ \multimap
31 $\nearrow$ \nearrow 66 $\leftrightsquigarrow$ \leftrightsquigarrow
32 $\swarrow$ \swarrow 67 $\rightsquigarrow$ \rightsquigarrow
33 $\nwarrow$ \nwarrow 68 $\twoheadrightarrow$ \twoheadrightarrow
34 $\searrow$ \searrow 69 $\twoheadleftarrow$ \twoheadleftarrow
35 $\mapsto$ \mapsto

特殊 Special

序号 图标 LaTeX 序号 图标 LaTeX
1 $\infty$ \infty 33 $\flat$ \flat
2 $\aleph$ \aleph 34 $\natural$ \natural
3 $\complement$ \complement 35 $\sharp$ \sharp
4 $\backepsilon$ \backepsilon 36 $\diagup$ \diagup
5 $\eth$ \eth 37 $\diagdown$ \diagdown
6 $\Finv$ \Finv 38 $\centerdot$ \centerdot
7 $\hbar$ \hbar 39 $\ltimes$ \ltimes
8 $\Im$ \Im 40 $\rtimes$ \rtimes
9 $\imath$ \imath 41 $\leftthreetimes$ \leftthreetimes
10 $\jmath$ \jmath 42 $\rightthreetimes$ \rightthreetimes
11 $\Bbbk$ \Bbbk 43 $\eqcirc$ \eqcirc
12 $\ell$ \ell 44 $\circeq$ \circeq
13 $\mho$ \mho 45 $\triangleq$ \triangleq
14 $\wp$ \wp 46 $\bumpeq$ \bumpeq
15 $\Re$ \Re 47 $\Bumpeq$ \Bumpeq
16 $\circledS$ \circledS 48 $\doteqdot$ \doteqdot
17 $\amalg$ \amalg 49 $\risingdotseq$ \risingdotseq
18 $%$ % 50 $\fallingdotseq$ \fallingdotseq
19 $\dagger$ \dagger 51 $\intercal$ \intercal
20 $\ddagger$ \ddagger 52 $\barwedge$ \barwedge
21 $\ldots$ \ldots 53 $\veebar$ \veebar
22 $\cdots$ \cdots 54 $\doublebarwedge$ \doublebarwedge
23 $\smile$ \smile 55 $\between$ \between
24 $\frown$ \frown 56 $\pitchfork$ \pitchfork
25 $\wr$ \wr 57 $\vartriangleleft$ \vartriangleleft
26 $\triangleleft$ \triangleleft 58 $\ntriangleleft$ \ntriangleleft
27 $\triangleright$ \triangleright 59 $\vartriangleright$ \vartriangleright
28 $\diamondsuit$ \diamondsuit 60 $\ntriangleright$ \ntriangleright
29 $\heartsuit$ \heartsuit 61 $\trianglelefteq$ \trianglelefteq
30 $\clubsuit$ \clubsuit 62 $\ntrianglelefteq$ \ntrianglelefteq
31 $\spadesuit$ \spadesuit 63 $\trianglerighteq$ \trianglerighteq
32 $\Game$ \Game 64 $\ntrianglerighteq$ \ntrianglerighteq

运算与函数 Operations & Functions

类型 样式 LaTeX
$\frac{2}{4}x=0.5x$ \frac{2}{4}x=0.5x or {2 \over 4}x=0.5x
Small fractions (force \textstyle)
$\tfrac{2}{4}x = 0.5x$ \tfrac{2}{4}x = 0.5x
Large (normal) fractions (force \displaystyle)
$\dfrac{2}{4} = 0.5 \qquad \dfrac{2}{c + \dfrac{2}{d + \dfrac{2}{4}}} = a$ \dfrac{2}{4} = 0.5 \qquad \dfrac{2}{c + \dfrac{2}{d + \dfrac{2}{4}}} = a
Large (nested) fractions
$\cfrac{2}{c + \cfrac{2}{d + \cfrac{2}{4}}} = a$ \cfrac{2}{c + \cfrac{2}{d + \cfrac{2}{4}}} = a
Cancellations in fractions
cancel3 \cfrac{x}{1 + \cfrac{\cancel{y}}{\cancel{y}}} = \cfrac{x}{2}

标准数值函数 Standard numerical functions

样式 LaTeX
$\exp_a b = a^b, \exp b = e^b, 10^m$ \exp_a b = a^b, \exp b = e^b, 10^m
$\ln c, \lg d = \log e, \log_{10} f$ \ln c, \lg d = \log e, \log_{10} f
$\sin a, \cos b, \tan c, \cot d, \sec e, \csc f$ \sin a, \cos b, \tan c, \cot d, \sec e, \csc f
$\arcsin a, \arccos b, \arctan c$ \arcsin a, \arccos b, \arctan c
$\operatorname{arccot} d, \operatorname{arcsec} e, \operatorname{arccsc} f$ \operatorname{arccot} d, \operatorname{arcsec} e, \operatorname{arccsc} f
$\sinh a, \cosh b, \tanh c, \coth d$ \sinh a, \cosh b, \tanh c, \coth d
$\operatorname{sh}k, \operatorname{ch}l, \operatorname{th}m, \operatorname{coth}n$ \operatorname{sh}k, \operatorname{ch}l, \operatorname{th}m, \operatorname{coth}n
$\operatorname{argsh}o, \operatorname{argch}p, \operatorname{argth}q$ \operatorname{argsh}o, \operatorname{argch}p, \operatorname{argth}q
$\operatorname{sgn}r, \left\vert s \right\vert$ \operatorname{sgn}r, \left\vert s \right\vert
$\min(x,y), \max(x,y)$ \min(x,y), \max(x,y)

根式 Radicals

样式 LaTeX
$\surd$ \surd
$\sqrt{\pi}$ \sqrt{\pi}
$\sqrt[n]{\pi}$ \sqrt[n]{\pi}
$\sqrt[3]{\frac{x^3+y^3}{2}}$ \sqrt[3]{\frac{x^3+y^3}{2}}

微分与导数 Differentials and derivatives

样式 LaTeX
$dt, \mathrm{d}t, \partial t, \nabla\psi$ dt, \mathrm{d}t, \partial t, \nabla\psi
$dy/dx, \mathrm{d}y/\mathrm{d}x, \frac{dy}{dx}, \frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x}, \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_1\partial x_2}y$ dy/dx, \mathrm{d}y/\mathrm{d}x, \frac{dy}{dx}, \frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x}, \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_1\partial x_2}y
$\prime, \backprime, f^\prime, f’, f’’, f^{(3)}, \dot y, \ddot y$ \prime, \backprime, f^\prime, f’, f’’, f^{(3)}, \dot y, \ddot y

同余与模算术 Modular arithmetic

样式 LaTeX
$s_k \equiv 0 \pmod{m}$ s_k \equiv 0 \pmod{m}
$a \bmod b$ a \bmod b
$\gcd(m, n), \operatorname{lcm}(m, n)$ \gcd(m, n), \operatorname{lcm}(m, n)
$\mid, \nmid, \shortmid, \nshortmid$ \mid, \nmid, \shortmid, \nshortmid

极限 Limits

样式 LaTeX
$\lim_{n \to \infty}x_n$ \lim_{n \to \infty}x_n
$\textstyle \lim_{n \to \infty}x_n$ \textstyle \lim_{n \to \infty}x_n

界限与投影 Bounds and Projections

样式 LaTeX
$\min x, \max y, \inf s, \sup t$ \min x, \max y, \inf s, \sup t
$\lim u, \liminf v, \limsup w$ \lim u, \liminf v, \limsup w
$\dim p, \deg q, \det m, \ker\phi$ \dim p, \deg q, \det m, \ker\phi
$\Pr j, \hom l, \lVert z \rVert, \arg z$ \Pr j, \hom l, \lVert z \rVert, \arg z

积分 Integral

样式 LaTeX
$\int\limits_{1}^{3}\frac{e^3/x}{x^2}, dx$ \int\limits_{1}^{3}\frac{e^3/x}{x^2}, dx
$\int_{1}^{3}\frac{e^3/x}{x^2}, dx$ \int_{1}^{3}\frac{e^3/x}{x^2}, dx
$\textstyle \int\limits_{-N}^{N} e^x dx$ \textstyle \int\limits_{-N}^{N} e^x dx
$\textstyle \int_{-N}^{N} e^x dx$ \textstyle \int_{-N}^{N} e^x dx
$\iint\limits_D dx,dy$ \iint\limits_D dx,dy
$\iiint\limits_E dx,dy,dz$ \iiint\limits_E dx,dy,dz
$\iiiint\limits_F dx,dy,dz,dt$ \iiiint\limits_F dx,dy,dz,dt
$\int_{(x,y)\in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy$ \int_{(x,y)\in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy
$\oint_{(x,y)\in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy$ \oint_{(x,y)\in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy